Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.
For more than a century, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America has provided children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported, one-to-one mentoring relationships that change their lives for the better, forever.
Our Network by the Numbers
235+ agencies across the United States
More than 2 million children served over the past 10 years
Nearly 400,000 volunteer mentors and families currently engaged
We Support Our Agencies
1) Set Standards of Excellence
Our agencies adhere to nationally adopted standards for child safety, training, match support, governance, and branding as well as best practices. In-depth child safety workshops provide agency staff with the knowledge and tools to put child safety first.
2) Drive Growth and Quality
Through corporate, private foundation, and government partnerships, the National Office provides funding for agencies to constantly improve their services and work to expand access to BBBS programming in their communities. Nationwide marketing allows agencies to expand their brand recognition.
3) Innovate and Collaborate
To grow the number of children served and ensure quality programming, we work with representatives from agencies and experts in the field of mentoring to develop best practices for mentoring programs.
4) Support
Child safety is our highest priority. One way we help agencies to ensure child safety is by supporting the proprietary database they use for tracking. By providing training and technical assistance, we help agencies manage their data. Using the latest research, we are continuously improving the measures we use to track the outcomes of relationships between Bigs and Littles. Good measurement helps agencies improve their programs and make a bigger difference in the lives of the children they serve.
Other Ways to Get Involved
Whether you get involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters as a donor, potential Big Brother or Big Sister, partner, advocate, or family member, you have the power to change a child's future for the better.