Match Showcase: Big Sister Sera and Little Sister Seanna

Big Sister Sera and Little Sister Seanna

Sera Hill, an employee with Starbucks, and her little sister Seanna have been matched for over 3 years now in the community-based mentoring program at Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound.

Seanna is 13 years old. Sera and Seanna like to get out and about and do active things, they both love animals as well. In Seattle to visit museums, participate in pottery activities, go to the movies and participate in other programs through the Y. They really hit it off from the beginning and quickly established a bond.

In addition to Sera being a community-based Big Sister, she has also helped the BBBS agency to coordinator career days for their MentorU program, an online based mentoring initiative.  Sera has helped set up activities so other students can see behind the scenes and learn about different careers within Starbucks.

In a recent visit to Starbucks HQ on “Take Your Kid to Work Day”, Seanna and Sera enjoyed the behind the scene tours and connection with other co-workers and visiting youth.  Before the visit, Seanna wanted to pursue being a nurse, but was inspired by the Tryer Innovation Lab and left her experience at Starbucks wanting to pursue a future in graphic design. 

Sera is thrilled at this friendship and how it is changing them both.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America and the Starbucks Foundation are uniting this holiday season to support matches all across the county like Sera and Seanna.  When you donate to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America between December 1-31, 2019, The Starbucks Foundation will double your gift, matching up to $200,000 this Giving Season.

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