Big Brothers Big Sisters and Latina Mom Bloggers Calls on Hombres to Step Up and Become Mentors at Upcoming Twitter Party

Join us on Tuesday, Oct. 8 at 9 p.m. EST as Big Brothers Big Sisters of America co-presents a Twitter party with the Latina Mom Bloggers network to create a strong call-to-action to the hombres in their lives: tios, hermanos, esposos and even abuelitos need to become mentors for Latino youth.

To register for the Twitter party, visit this page:

“This year during Hispanic Heritage Month, the Latino community has much to feel good about, whether it is pride in the advancement of culture, education, or politics,” said Director of Media Relations and Community Engagement for Big Brothers Big Sisters. “Despite these great strides, many Hispanic youth continue to face challenges in a range of areas from poor academic performance to the effects of poverty. Independent studies find once enrolled in the program, children are more likely than their peers to improve in school, make healthier choices and achieve higher self-esteem and aspirations.”

Big Brothers Big Sisters invites Latino adults, especially men, to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept. 15 – Oct. 15) for a conversation on Twitter, “Latinas Motivating Hombres to Step Up as Mentors Twitter Party #LatinoBigs,” to learn how they can become a mentor and change a child’s life for the better.

“We have thousands of Hispanic children waiting for mentors and especially boys, so all the more reason to take part in this very important call to action!” Sauceda said.

More than 70 percent of the children ready and waiting to be matched with a mentor are boys, yet only 3 out of 10 volunteer inquiries come from men.

“As mothers, wives, sisters, amigas and more we carry tremendous influence over the men in our lives,” said Cristy Clavijo-Kish, co-founder and co-CEO of the Latina Mom Blogger group, a national network of more than 550 members. “During the October 8 Twitter chat, you’ll learn how to start the conversation, motivate and recruit Latino men to become much needed mentors for our youth.

Twitter Party Details:

What: Latino Bigs Hispanic Heritage Month Twitter Party

When: Tuesday, October 8, 2013 at 6 p.m. PST/9 p.m. EST

Where: Twitter


Moderators: Latina Mom Blogs (

Big Brothers Big Sisters serves children in low-income, single-parent, and military families, or households where a parent is incarcerated. Independent studies find that once enrolled in the program, children are more likely than their peers to improve in school, make healthier choices and achieve higher self-esteem and aspirations. features honorary Big Campeones, business, education and juvenile justice leaders, members of the mentoring network’s National Hispanic Advisory Council, and others who support and promote the program. The site also highlights video testimonials from Latino mentors and mentees who will share stories of how the program impacts their lives. In addition, features popular Hispanic bloggers, enabling the mentoring network to leverage the power of social media to recruit volunteers and donors.

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