Jamison, PA – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bucks County (BBBSBC) is thrilled to announce the release of a new children’s CD, “Absolutely, Positively Getting Along”. The 27 track compilation CD features national and international artists, including Pete Seeger and Lorre Wyatt, Julian Lennon, Robbi K, Melba Moore, and Eric Bazilian, to name a few. Consisting of poems, spoken words, and a variety of songs, this one-of-a-kind CD gives children the sage advice they need to learn to be a buddy, feel connected, and build friendships. The musicians, actors, and poets involved with this project act as audio “Big Brothers and Big Sisters” to children everywhere.
To celebrate the release of “Absolutely, Positively Getting Along” , Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bucks County along with the GRAMMY award winning producers of the CD, Steve Pullara, Jim Cravero, Gloria Domina, and Patrick Robison, invite local families to join us for a FREE Family Fun Event, our CD Release Party on Sunday, October 13, 2013 from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM at The Fuge in Warmister.
“We are excited to share this event with all the families in our community,” said Ursula Raczak, CEO of BBBSBC. “Children will be able to enjoy live performances by some of our artists.”
This CD was done on a fully volunteer basis. 100% of the net proceeds from the sale of the CD will go to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bucks County.
For full tracks to sample and reviews, please visit: www.absolutelypositivelygettingalong.com. For the most up-to-date list of performers who will be at the CD release party, please visit us athttps://www.facebook.com/absolutelypositivelygettingalong.
About Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bucks County:
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bucks County has been providing one to one mentoring programs to children in Bucks County for the past 50 years. Affiliated with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, BBBSBC is the only affiliate to be recognized for providing the highest quality programs for the 5 years. Located in Jamison, Pa., BBBSBC is a donor supported, volunteer driven organization dedicated to helping Bucks County youth achieve success. For more information about BBBSBC please visit www.bbbsbc.org.